The Cleansing Amulet brings about the specific need for cleansing to encompass its journey in personal, situational, circumstance or in places.
Working on the higher frequency for the souls aspect, this Amulet is enchanted to awaken the cleaning transition that is required for purging and purifying.
With the addition of herbs, oils and crystals for cleansing that are carefully blended and placed within the charmed vessel the amulet begins to awaken. Additional items are placed within, to bring bespoke connection for the petition and need. All handcrafted by Phiona within the Full Moon to empower and harness the full clearing element of the moons aspect.
A Cleansing amulet placed in the home can soothe disturbed energy, placed above the bed can aid the soul healing. To place in personal places to bring about personal, emotional and physical detoxifying energy . Cleansing amulets ring the changes as the bell signifies transition. Aiding in cleansing the aura, psyche, ceremonial spaces, the homestead and mind from intrusive and negative energy.
Cleansing Amulets can be customised and bespoke commissions created for specific needs and requirements
Picture for reference only- Products may vary in shape, size and colour from one in image.