Echoes from within is a channelled piece of meditation sounds and music that came from the Great Mothers depths of her core aspect as she gifted it to the world for our deepest sense of healing. Sat within her temple space of the innermost caverns of her essence. Beginning as we travel the life’s journey from the womb of our own mothers physical form, yet in parallel from the Great Mother’s womb space, we journey the sound of life as the sound tempts us to look within and heal the traumas that have held us back from fulfilling our full potential. The CD track is a beautiful mesmerising collective of natures sound and rhythms that not only journeys through the cycle of seasons but also of the dawn and days end. Symbolising the cycle of life and death and rebirth of the soul.
The sounds channelled by Elder Priestess Phiona Hutton was created in collaboration with her son who not only wrote, mixed and produced the sounds, but worked closely alongside Phiona to produce a deeply profound musical journey of the Great Mother for the healing and balancing of the journey of life and awakening.
Available as a CD or digital download