Iron Sea Bolts
To some these may look like rusty bolts. But I know! I know the reality behind the image.
These iron rusted bolts were placed within the sea breachers and breakers upon the shoreline over 30 years before. They have stood within storm and crashing waves. Seen every season, high and low tide and countless passer by.
They have defended against erosive tidal surges. Been home to habitat and sea life of the shore line. Are infused with the salt air and the tree of the wood they are impaled within.
The magic of the seas that they hold is powerful and transformative. Submerged within the tides and revealed as it lowers to the moons pull.
The energy of enchantment overpowers the holder and these are not for the magic worker new to the pathway but for the adept magi of harnessing power.
Collected after one of the strongest winter storms had destroyed the breachers and left the wood and iron ware scattered along the beach.
Utilised for deep magic of defence against dark enchantment. For strength, for cleansing, for powerful storm energy and sea magic.
These magic items will enhance your workings and healing aspect. We have a very limited supply and once they have gone they have gone.
They range in length from approximately 14cm to 19cm and in weight from 170g to 190g
If you would like to have your own piece of the sea from the South Coast of England then these are for you.
*Just to be clear these are not a new item. They have been salvaged from the beach and show signs of wear and tear and rust. *
Currently I am only able to send to the UK only